Take The First Step Towards Changing Your Lifestyle…

Meet my mentors Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek

Learn about the digital economy and how it works

Discover what products you could sell as an affiliate marketer

The KEY ingredient for success with an online business*

BONUS: “List Building For Profit” 39-Page PDF Report

Who is Birgit Fischer?

Music is my medicine. I gave it more than half of my life. After 20 years of a successful music career I went back to university and finished my medical doctor. I know, a little crazy mix. But music is a healer, a playground and a power plant. What a treasure chest is waiting within each one of us to be discovered and used. I love to inspire people and cannot stop to be amazed by the effect on peoples power. People plug in. By simply getting closer to the source of creativity and music. I love to be a muse, a musician and coach for people who dare to grow. It is fun like treasure hunting.

What is the 7-Day-Video Series?

Meet Your Mentor

Stuart Ross


Stuart Ross is a catalyst for change and a strategist for online success.

Using his own proven business accomplishments as a template, he’s passionate about sharing his knowledge and providing marketing platforms that give students the opportunity to create positive results which dramatically improve their lifestyles.

Meet Some Of Our Community

– Chris & Gerrard

– Amy


“When I joined the SFM I simply wanted to learn internet marketing. I’m utterly realistic, I have my feet firmly on the ground and I have a finely honed ‘bull shit meter’. I’m a former Mortgage Broker so I’m used to in depth training in financial regulation & compliance & frankly, after buying a few other ‘hyped up’ internet marketing courses (& invariably getting a refund!) I was despairing of ever finding anyone who seemed even vaguely credible, and then I found Stuart & Jay and problem solved 🙂

It got even better because I’ve ended up with so much more than just an education in internet marketing. I’ve acquired a whole new set of friends from all over the world who form the SFM community; all ‘like-minded’ positive people sharing the same journey.

Discovering that Personal Development was an integral part of the SFM training just re-affirmed that I’d joined the right team. I know how hard it is for people who are accustomed to being employees to switch mindsets and become entrepreneurs. I know because I’ve been there and the SFM training really helps people move forward. When you start to learn internet marketing there can be days when the entire idea seems overwhelming and you wonder why you ever got started, it’s those days when you need the SFM to give you a really good dose of positivity. All I have to do is listen to some of the live or recorded trainings or hang out in the online groups and that’s it, I remember why I’m there and I’m back on track. For me, that’s the big advantage of being part of the SFM – you’re not alone.